Taking Care of You

There is much happening in the world right now. You may be noticing the blame and fear in the air. So, this is a love note to your dear heart:

You make a big difference in the world every time you don’t partake in the negative banter that you are hearing or seeing. Each time you let it go and have compassion for the lack of understanding that you see in front of you, you become stronger and more who you wish to be. This simple intention builds a life into joy. A healing happens every time we muster up a little compassion for those living in this vibration of anger or blame. They often have no idea how much it is hurting them from the inside, they think their pain is coming from the outside.

Here’s some good news…  You don’t have to stand by and do nothing! We all have a powerful opportunity to bring a different vibration (energy, perspective, pulse) into these moments. It’s a subtle yet certain gift we often forget about.

It’s you.

The essence of you, the you beyond the thoughts or reactions of a mind that’s been programmed to defend or protect itself from anything that doesn’t fit it’s pictures. Not much fits our pictures these days, so it’s a perfect time to examine our own viewpoint and see what we are adding to the ocean we are all swimming in.

Pure seeing, free of old beliefs, is a documented magic we tend to over look. It’s not talked about nearly as much as it could be. It’s life changing to do your own experiment and see exactly how profound a new perspective, a positive one, can be.

It’s measurable! Each time we have the intention to be at peace, our vibration moves out from us like ripples in a pond  to touch reality. These particles of intention are alive and they alter the collection of energy the people around us are sitting in. Our wave of care mingles with what is happening and reformulates life in ways we can’t always see, but we can feel. A glance of kindness with a little understanding emits a stream of energy that can go a long way. Pausing in presence when it feels like someone is firing a cannon at you is magic in itself, when we don’t resist or fight the upset a person is having it has no place to land. It dissolves with understanding. My favorite: have a nice slow breath in and a gentle exhale. This can shift the flow of pain or tension in the air in seconds. Give it a try it and see?

It’s measurable.

There are endless stories and evidence for how one person’s intention and energy can change circumstances. Greg Braden’s example comes to mind, where he explains how the compassion that occurred around the world during the 9-11 tragedy was measured. A discovery astounded a group that was investigating seismic activity charts for the previous several years. There was one chart that baffled them as no earthquake occurred anywhere in the world at that time. Upon more investigation they discovered the date of the profound surges in energy charted began on 9-11. They concluded that it was the wave of care from the hearts of humankind traveling around the globe. This surge was obvious as it had been charted from the satellites placed strategically all the way around the earth. Wherever you were when 9-11 occurred, I bet you felt this flow of care come from your own heart.

Vibration traveling across millions of miles… That’s YOU. You matter so very much.

One person knowing the truth of their being, their nature, their essence, the Pure Soul, (whatever name you give that) makes a difference. It’s comforting, calming, and it’s always here inside. It’s who we are when we are not being kidnapped by the mind.

Whenever conflict or turmoil is occurring, inside or out, the ability to shift our attention over to a thought or feeling of choice can alter the outcome. Thoughts have vibrations. We have a powerful ability to share peace with whomever we are near, and who knows how far these ripples travel. Maybe all the way to the other side of the world. The results are definitely measurable in our own lives and homes after we do it for a while.

Those finding themselves reading this probably already know the power of intention and energy. You are the ones that carry the torch when darkness falls, you are the light that sends ripples out to touch our fellow humans.

This is just a reminder and a thank you for you.❤️

You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop. ~ Rumi

So dearest companions of this time and space, I think we are all cordially invited by Mother Earth and humanity to join in this kind intention to be a ripple of kindness for this ocean we are all swimming in. It’s a stormy sea at times and we can be each other’s light. We can allow others to be right, we can let others push against air when they try to engage us in negativity. We can stop fighting back and be a ripple of kind energy for the world right now. We can be a beacon of possibility and hope in the moments we enter… and it’s very likely that we will notice the people around us soften and that our bodies relax each time we release the anxiety we’re carrying. It is worth the effort.

Allowing dissolves and resistance feeds.

Please take care. You matter so very much.

Pure Love sees the World as flawless ~ Dadashri    


much love,


For information on living as the essence of your being and knowing the truth of who you are, regardless of circumstances you face, exploring this website is quite an eye opener!



Posted by Holly Riley.