Grow Some Kindness

This isn’t your normal “let’s be grateful” Thanksgiving note. It’s probably a bit weird to some. I’m posting it anyway. I feel a nudge to share a dose of faith in the goodness of life. This is something we can apply anytime, anywhere, that will move mountains, and serve our families and planet a treat that will last a lot longer than a fabulous turkey dinner. 

Five minutes of willingness is all it takes.

If you would like to let go of some mind chatter and replace it with joy… these three steps have been easy and fast for clearing out criticism. I hope you give them a go so you and your family can feel the relief they offer.

Step 1: Think of someone you’ve hurt in your life. It doesn’t matter how long ago. It could be twenty years ago or ten minutes ago. As soon as you genuinely look, it will appear.  

Once you recall the moment, be with it for a second or two. Watch what you did to them with new eyes. See what happened from your heart. This may help, imagine the person you hurt in front of you and connect with them the best you can—not just with the physical person—with their beingness, their heart, some like to call it the soul. Just be with them and feel their life. You can’t do this wrong. Simply intending to open and see the heart of someone magically shows us the way.

Once you have a sense of this person, sincerely apologize to them. This helps open us so we are more willing to experience the hurt we caused them. Allow yourself to feel remorse for the pain you inflicted.  Sometimes it helps me to say what I did specifically. For example, I’m sorry I abandoned you and discounted your feelings. Or, I am sorry I criticized you, made fun of you, and gossiped about you. Then, I feel how that hurt them and I own how I put negative energy in their space. I take a minute and genuinely acknowledge the pain I caused and apologize for doing it. 

Silent thoughts transmit energy.

Step 2: Look them in the eye (the image in front of you) and tell them you won’t do this again. Truly mean it. Declare to your Self that you won’t repeat this mistake. This is powerful. Deciding not to behave like this again dismantles the habit. You will like the way you feel when you promise this and mean it. 

It becomes clear after just a few applications that our heartfelt energy and intentions travel perfectly to where they need to go.

Please don’t take my word for it… experience it for your Self.


Step 3:  While connected to this person, send them a blessing. Whatever this may look like to you. Send a beam of love, a prayer, a flow of care, or maybe a wish for them to have peace. This intention is powerful and I’m pretty sure this kindness touches more parts of life than we imagine. 

For me, this little five minutes has been very kind to my life. Understanding and compassion grow each time I apply it. I’ve done this with people that have passed away and it has been a treasure. It blows me away how my attention knows exactly where to go when I ask myself, “Holly, who have you caused any harm?” 

I find there’s always more peace on the other side of honesty.

Imagine us all catching our criticism this Holiday Season and replacing it with kindness. What might be possible without judgmental energy secretly pointed toward another in our midst. 

Let’s be kind and become more aware that everyone is trying to figure out this thing called life and everyone is going through something. We can offer grace to our neighbors, community, and world by serving something that will last forever at our dinner table… love.

Wishing everyone a love-filled Thanksgiving,


Posted by Holly Riley.