Harmful or Helpful

Right now, in our lives, in this moment, we can make a profound difference in what is happening in our world. 

How? By reaching deep enough to feel something beyond personal beliefs and blame. Consider for a moment what might become possible if we feel the thread that connects us all, instead of focusing on what separates us. This unmistakable connection that explains empathy, intuition, and all those times we think of someone and suddenly they’re calling or knocking at our door.  This energy that is invisible, yet tangible. It moves through all of us, and we all exist in it. What we think and feel is part of what composes it. I felt the truth of this when I left my body and died years ago, I was floating in it. 

Our ability to offer care to another being travels through this field of energy. 

Anyone can tap into this quiet place if they truly want to, whether they believe it or not. Deciding to become aware of this thread changes things. This intention wakes up more awareness of what matters to the whole. A flow of kind action takes place without effort, actions free of anger and agenda. We’ve all felt this flow before.


We’re all part of one planet, one world; even considering this right now, opens us.  One little tiny thread in the fabric, we are all intrinsic to the integrity of the whole cloth.  Each thread in a fabric has a unique and integral part. When a thread rips or gets torn, we’re all affected. The cloth becomes less stable, surrounding threads are pulled on more. We matter!

We have no idea how much our willingness to be present and connected affects the entire cloth. Energy matters. We have all experienced how the meanness and blame of one person can add suffering and harm to so many. Imagine what might become possible if we take the time to offer inspiration, a glance of compassion, or a smile of understanding to someone stuck in fear—without adding to the upset, agreeing with it or topping it with a sad story of our own. There are people who could use some help right now. Let’s extend a hand to give assistance… rather than to get something. 

We are all the keepers of this planet. We have very much to do with the shape our world is in. Yes, we are one little thread, but what might be possible if we all took a little more responsibility for what we say, share, and deposit into this fabric of life? We can offer powerful energy from wherever we are. 

Let’s grow goodness instead of feed fear.

I treasure the thread that connects us. Thank you for you in this world. 

Much love to you always,

Posted by Holly Riley.