We are not having a normal life right now, so this isn’t one of my normal love notes. This just isn’t a normal Thanksgiving.
This note is about you. All you. It’s about your ability to read these words and feel the intention in them. This note is about knowing who you are. I mean really are… beyond the personality, the dressing up, or the wanting to be or not wanting to be. Who you are before and after all of this passes.
I have a strong feeling about this.
It comes from what I saw, felt, and experienced as my body stopped working and I moved away from the crumpled form laying below in the hospital bed. I became so filled with love it is unspeakable. It was inside of me, outside of me, and extended out as far as I could travel in any direction. I call it love but really there is no word for it. And I’ll try anyway… unbound joy, complete, nothing left undone, whole with absolute awareness that this was the real me and the one below was temporary. Nothing was missing, NOTHING. I became aware in an instant of my true Self. Bliss filled me beyond what language can describe. I was perfect exactly as I was; somehow I knew this had always been there inside of me, that I had always had access to this as a human but didn’t know it. And, please trust me when I tell you, Holly was not by any stretch perfect or deserving of such a profound death experience. At least not in her mind prior to having it.
It’s the real us you guys!
The real you! It’s who we all are when we set down our costumes and let go of the past, the blame, and all the held-onto mistakes we’ve made. It’s who we are when we stop fighting over who’s right and who’s wrong. It’s the beautiful truth of our being and we don’t have to die to find this out. It’s available now, inside you. All it takes is the intention to feel it.
It’s who we get to be when we stop paying attention to a fitful mind or believing thoughts of an ego that loves conflict, winning, or beating another up to feel superior. The real you is filled with understanding and kindness for what we all go through as humans, the big you feels compassion for how we forget who we are and become so certain we are the costume we’ve been wearing. It’s a temporary thing, this costume.
So why not start accessing the truth of you right now?
It’s not hard: have a strong intent and decide with your full heart to see the pure beautiful beings in front of you. See them as more than the rote words they speak, see them as more than what they protect or defend. Look a little deeper at your family, friends, and enemies and imagine them setting down their costumes for the last time. See them as more than that.
Nobody is left out of the coming and going that being human is. Your kind intention to see more clearly and truly will bring an unfamiliar strength. I am confident it will soothe and touch all who are near.
You have this ability or you wouldn’t be reading this.
Let’s join hearts and see this preciousness in our families, loved ones across the miles, down the street, and next door. They will feel it and perhaps be spurred to remember the truth. Please don’t forget to look in the mirror and give that one a wink and a kind smile too for all it is managing in today’s world.
Happy Thanksgiving Dear Friends. I am eternally thankful for you.
Much love,