I never imagined this...

Dear friends,

I have something wonderful to share with you.

Click on the image to view my video invitation on my YouTube channel.

Click on the image to view my video invitation on my YouTube channel.

After 40 years of doing every class of study I could get my hands on, and even teaching a few, I am blown away by a shortcut path called Akram Vignan. It is a spiritual science that takes you from climbing the many stairs we’ve all climbed to find lasting happiness, to an elevator that takes you right to your own beautiful Pure Soul.

Imagine, one step to reach the awareness we’ve wanted our whole lives.

They call this the stepless path to Self-Realization. In order to experience it you attend a ceremony online (most travel to India for this) and in just a couple of hours you experience your own true, incredible nature. You will never be the same after you get this. You realize the truth of who you are beyond all circumstances. You become the Self. Once you fully experience this truth inside of you, your vision opens to see it in everyone else. It becomes a profound gift to our families and the world.

It’s the last stop for me. I feel incredibly lucky to have been told about this by a dear friend. And, please know I am a beginner on this journey and wanted to make sure it’s for real before I sent this out. It's been seven months now and the changes in my life would fill another page. Peace and presence fill my heart in ways I never imagined.

For me, Akram Vignan explains everything I’ve always wanted to understand about life and didn’t.

In the beginning it might seem challenging on an intellectual level. I encourage you to listen to your heart over your head. You will feel it.

One thing I can tell you for sure is, the levels of clarity keep opening to bigger spheres of awareness as I continue. I am discovering an entire world of understanding and bliss that I never knew existed. This is the promise of this path.

By the way. it’s all free, completely.

This continues to amaze me. This endeavor to bring light to the world is run by love alone.

If you feel a nudge to check it out, please explore the Akram Vignan Academy.

For more clarity on how Akram Vignan
will enlighten your personal life and journey home...

Join us for a Sunday Webinar on zoom. Any question is welcome.
My friend Uwe has been on this path for over ten years and he is very happy
to share and be of service.

Sunday Webinars

January 24, 2021: 9 – 11AM PST
January 31, 2021: 9 – 11AM PST

Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89892733025?pwd=d0VVVjJFU05mVzlQWU84b1dkbzNuUT09
Meeting ID: 898 9273 3025
Password: dada

If these dates don’t work, please send me a note and we will figure something out.

I hope to see you very soon.

Much love,

Posted by Holly Riley.