There is a profound energy that moves through us when we love. It's wordless, it heals, its effortlessly kind, and it becomes a magnet to like hearted people. To access wisdom and power, restore love. To cultivate joy, restore love. This simple action elevates success in every area of life. Healing happens, intuition flows, honor becomes our ground of being and we experience trust in a way most only dream of.
The greatest treasure of restoring love is trust.
To explore for yourself define love, in any way your mind enjoys. Some people like to use words and memory, some have better results with imagination. These words help me cultivate the feeling... what does it feel like to care for another with zero need for anything in return. (My grandson's face appears and the feeling comes really easy). Appreciating something or someone with all your heart is another sweet avenue. A method many people love, flow your attention over precious moments, loved ones, nature, or anything that blows your skirt up. You know love, you've felt it on the inside, you've shared it, adored it and experienced profound joy over its existence.
Often, we hope someone else will create this feeling for us and make us happy humans. Today, change your life... reach for love in a new way. Create it, remember it and restore it for yourself. Take a few moments and feel your love for family, be in awe of the trees, appreciate money, celebrate flowers, or get excited over your favorite flavor of ice cream. Recall a time you were loving so much... joy bubbled over. Feel what happens in the present moment when you do this. It's pretty wonderful.
Restore love just because you can.
This feeling of love we long for is not someone else's responsibility. We can't rely on this joy coming from wealth, accomplishments, or owning things, at least not in any lasting way. Restoring love is not our partner's responsibility, it's not the job of our children, our parents, our employees, or our government. In my humble opinion the most valuable gift I can offer existence is taking responsibility for restoring love in my own heart.
Love all around,