In case you leave...


I want you to know how grateful I am for who you are, for all you've shared with me, and for being my friend on this journey called life. 

Although sometimes far apart our connection never faltered. It didn't matter how much time passed between talks, your care was steady. Even when you didn't agree with what I was up to, you still encouraged me to go for my dreams. I've learned a lot about friendship with you by my side.  

Thank you for listening when I was confused or afraid, you brought clarity just by being there. You never agreed with my self criticism. I see now that you always believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. The feeling that 'I'm okay' has grown in me from this seed you planted years ago and watered throughout time. 

Yes, you drove me crazy too, telling me to be tough and keep going, when all I could think of was giving up. You wouldn't stop until I admitted what I was capable of. Thank you, you've shown me that care wears many faces. 

You... I'm so glad you're always stubbornly you. Finally, I can appreciate the opposition you often expressed. Each disagreement drove me to learn about forgiveness and to discover the relief that comes with choosing love over being right. I'm getting this more and more as I age.

And, thank you for all the times you challenged me to explore what mattered most inside my own heart. You were ruthless at pointing out how adopting another's certainty, without inspecting it, is a reach for approval and an obstacle to overcome. This has been a profound gift in my life. 

As I look back at the path we've traveled, I treasure every step. The talks, the laughter, and all the ups and downs. Our friendship has been a journey of what's possible in a relationship when love and understanding guide the way. 

So before you or I leave this life I must thank you for our dance... for without you, I would not be me. 

Endless love,



Posted by Holly Riley.