Holly Speaks at OLLI on December 10, 2015
Join Holly as she talks about her near-death experience, living a life of allowing and using her transformative Catch & Release™ process. Events offered by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) are typically "members only," however OLLI has graciously offered 40 free seats to non-member guests. You can sit in one of them if you register in advance...
PLEASE NOTE: OLLI members should register by contacting contact Fred Jakolat, the event facilitator.
All About OLLI
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, a membership organization, is affiliated with the University of Nevada, Reno's Extended Studies program. OLLI promotes personal development though intellectually stimulating programs. A $45 annual membership gains you entrance to a broad variety of events. Memberships and scholarships are available by application.
If you are not a member, maybe it's time to become one! Learn all about it in the OLLI Fall Catalog. The catalog contains all of the information you need to know to join, as well as a complete listing of the many events OLLI offers its members.
OLLI Metaphysics Interest Group
The Metaphysics Interest Group meets every other Thursday. You'll find the December 10th event listed in the catalog at the bottom of page 43. If you are an OLLI member who wants to register to attend or get more information, please contact group facilitator Fred Jakolat.